Submitted by Administrator on Fri, 15/09/2023 - 19:04
CMIH Hub investigator Prof. Richard Samworth and his AIMS study colleagues recently published the largest survey of it's kind exploring the career intentions of UK medical students within two years of graduating. The survey found that almost a third of the respondants intended to change career or leave the UK to practice medicine abroad. Addressing factors such as remuneration, work-life balance and working conditions may increase retention of doctors and improve workforce planning efforts.
The research publication can be found in the BMJ Open. Several news outlets have also reported on the findings including The Guardian and Medical XPress.
Ferreira T, Collins AM, Feng O The AIMS Collaborative, et al
Career intentions of medical students in the UK: a national, cross-sectional study (AIMS study)
BMJ Open 2023;13:e075598. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075598